I am excited to be embarking on a new adventure with you as the reader.  I have never written a blog nor followed one.  My plan at this point is to write a weekly blog documenting the insights I gain through my weekly experiences.
‘Musings from the Surgery Waiting Room’ is my first post.  Feel free to post questions or comments and I will attempt to respond accordingly.
Musings from the Surgery Waiting Room
Anxiety.  Fear.  Boredom.
To the right of me sits a young couple.  The man is wearing medical scrubs.  Sitting next to them is an older woman with a laptop.  She is alone.  When asked, the young man tells her he is a dentist.  She regales him with stories of her past oral surgeries and of the doctor who pulled the wrong tooth .
To my left sits three ladies in pink.  They have the loudest voices in the room.  I can hear clearly their entire conversation, as can the entire waiting room.  They are full of giggles and cackles and gossip.
Sighs of relief when hearing the doctor’s report of surgery’s success.
“Oh, I am so busy!  Busy pushing this cart around…everyone else thinks I’m real busy when they see me pushing this cart around.”
Early morning.  Tired faces.  Families gathered together.  Soft whispers.  Uncomfortable chairs.
“I wish they had chaise lounges and blankets.”
Cell phones ringing.  “Where’s the cafeteria?”  Coffee thermos still full.
Awkward glances.  Families staking out their territories.  This row is for the Smith family.
Priests and Prayers.  Babies with tubes and kidney stones to be removed.  Nasal surgeries and heart emergencies.  Insured hands responding to patients demands.
People coming, going, snoring, groaning.
Come pray with me.  Touch me, heal me, and set me free.
What if I were in this room alone?  No other families going through the same kind of experience…  The absence of the community gossip by the ladies in pink…  Utter silence my comfort…  Left alone with my own thoughts and fears.
Although I know God dwells in me, I feel Him in this waiting room.  The many whispers — His caressing grace.  The pink ladies laughter and gossip — He reminds me that life is still being lived outside of this room.  The sighs of relief after reports of success — assurance of His presence with and in the doctors and nurses and patients in surgery.
God’s grace fills me and I know, He is present in this Surgery Waiting Room.