Depression Has Many Symptoms

Depression Has Many Symptoms

depression-van-goghThe deaths of a loved one, loss of a job or the ending of a relationship are difficult experiences for anyone to endure.  It is normal for feelings of sadness or grief to develop in response to such stressful situations.

Those experiencing trying times often describe themselves as being ‘depressed’.  But sadness and depression are not the same.  While feelings of sadness will lessen over time, the disorder of depression can continue for months, even years.

Depression is a medical disorder (just like diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease) that day after day affects your thoughts, feelings, physical health and behaviors.  Depression has a variety of symptoms, but the most common is a deep feeling of sadness. People with depression may feel tired, listless, hopeless and generally overwhelmed by life.  Simple pleasures are no longer enjoyed, and their world can appear dark and uncontrollable.  Emotional numbness and social isolation are common responses of depressed people.

Depression can strike at any time, but most often appears for the first time during the prime of life, from ages 24-44.  One in four women and one in ten men will confront depression at some point in their lives.

Depression is diagnosed if a person experiences loss of interest in things once enjoyed, or feeling sad, blue or down in the dumps, and five or more of the following symptoms for  at least two consecutive weeks:

  • Feeling slowed down or restless and unable to sit still.
  • Feeling worthless or guilty.
  • Increase or decrease in appetite or weight.
  • Thoughts of death or suicide.
  • Problems concentrating, thinking, remembering  or making decisions.
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much.
  • Loss of energy or feeling tired all the time.


With depression, there are often other physical or psychological symptoms, including: *Headaches.  *Other aches and pains.  *Digestive problems.  *Sexual problems.  *Feeling pessimistic or hopeless.  *Being anxious or worried. Fortunately, depression is very treatable.  The majority of people who receive treatment, experience significant improvement, and almost all individuals derive benefit from medical care. Unfortunately, individuals may not recognize their symptoms as signs of an illness, or they may fear reactions of co-workers, friends and family.  As a result, millions of people with depression do not seek treatment and unnecessarily experience problems and needless suffering.

The costs of depression can be severe.  The estimated financial costs of depression in missed days at work, medical expenses, and premature death is $43 billion annually.  If you think you or someone you know is experiencing depression, consult Professional Counseling Associates for information on available resources and treatment options.  An evaluation by a licensed therapist could be your first step in getting help.  Remember, depression is one of the most treatable of all mental illnesses and with proper treatment; individuals can regain a healthy outlook on life.


Sally rolls over in bed, glancing at her alarm clock. “7:45!!” she exclaims while rocket- propelling herself out of bed. Sally has already been late to work twice this month. “I can’t be late again,” she tells herself. Her chest tightens, heart begins to race and her stomach becomes hot and churns; with no time for a shower, Sally races out the door.

Sally has triggered her body’s primordial ‘fight or flight’ response. This response was, at one time, a basic human survival mechanism alerting us to danger and the need to either stay and fight or run for one’s life. Although we have evolved from such a brutal existence – this response is still triggered during high stress situations.

Stress is any change requiring us to adapt. Stress is unavoidable and necessary. Stress is tension…the “I can’t take it” of uneasy emotions. It is a strain, a pressure of life events. Stress can be positive. It can be a source of high energy and increased awareness. Some stress actually improves performance, but too much impedes performance.

What could Sally have done, in the moment, to manage the stress she was experiencing?

When we are stressed, we tend to breathe from our chest in short, shallow breaths. To manage this response, take a break, get quiet somewhere and breathe deeply and slowly from your diaphragm. Get clear about what you can and cannot control. Choose responses (actions, words, etc.) for what you can control. Develop tolerance for what you cannot control.

OK, you are stressed right now…What do you DO?

  • Listen to music
  • Rock in a rocking chair
  • Play with your pet
  • Weed a garden
  • Scream into a pillow
  • Take a bath
  • Watch a movie
  • Paint
  • Pray/meditate
  • Go for a walk
  • Call some-one

Musings from the Surgery Waiting Room

I am excited to be embarking on a new adventure with you as the reader.  I have never written a blog nor followed one.  My plan at this point is to write a weekly blog documenting the insights I gain through my weekly experiences.
‘Musings from the Surgery Waiting Room’ is my first post.  Feel free to post questions or comments and I will attempt to respond accordingly.
Musings from the Surgery Waiting Room
Anxiety.  Fear.  Boredom.
To the right of me sits a young couple.  The man is wearing medical scrubs.  Sitting next to them is an older woman with a laptop.  She is alone.  When asked, the young man tells her he is a dentist.  She regales him with stories of her past oral surgeries and of the doctor who pulled the wrong tooth .
To my left sits three ladies in pink.  They have the loudest voices in the room.  I can hear clearly their entire conversation, as can the entire waiting room.  They are full of giggles and cackles and gossip.
Sighs of relief when hearing the doctor’s report of surgery’s success.
“Oh, I am so busy!  Busy pushing this cart around…everyone else thinks I’m real busy when they see me pushing this cart around.”
Early morning.  Tired faces.  Families gathered together.  Soft whispers.  Uncomfortable chairs.
“I wish they had chaise lounges and blankets.”
Cell phones ringing.  “Where’s the cafeteria?”  Coffee thermos still full.
Awkward glances.  Families staking out their territories.  This row is for the Smith family.
Priests and Prayers.  Babies with tubes and kidney stones to be removed.  Nasal surgeries and heart emergencies.  Insured hands responding to patients demands.
People coming, going, snoring, groaning.
Come pray with me.  Touch me, heal me, and set me free.
What if I were in this room alone?  No other families going through the same kind of experience…  The absence of the community gossip by the ladies in pink…  Utter silence my comfort…  Left alone with my own thoughts and fears.
Although I know God dwells in me, I feel Him in this waiting room.  The many whispers — His caressing grace.  The pink ladies laughter and gossip — He reminds me that life is still being lived outside of this room.  The sighs of relief after reports of success — assurance of His presence with and in the doctors and nurses and patients in surgery.
God’s grace fills me and I know, He is present in this Surgery Waiting Room.
Note from the marketing team

Note from the marketing team

butterflyKathy and I had a lot of fun putting this site together. Number one we were doing it for friends and we care about them and their business. I have know Ashley for quite some time and I know that she cares about people and that this is not so much a business for her as is a way to reach out to people who are in a place that she once was. I did not fail to notice that she put together a team of people with similar interests. If I ever need the kind of service that Ashly offers, I would not hesitate to see her or anyone on the team at PCA. I hope that you will consider the same.

John Beck & Kathy Eddy – Baldwin Internet

My first blog entry on PCA

Today we are hoping to finish up the lastest little tweaks on our new website. One of the new items we are adding is a Blog Page. I hope it helps me to keep things in perspective, I hope it helps you our clients to see were we are coming from. Please check back frequently and comment when you can.