Knowing Who Your are in God

A meek person is not a human mouse afflicted with a sense of his own inferiority. Rather, he may be in his moral life as bold as a lion and as strong as Samson; but he has stopped being fooled about himself. He has accepted God’s estimate of his own life. He knows he is as weak and helpless as God has declared him to be, but he knows at the same time that, in the sight of God, he is more important than angels. In himself, nothing; in God, everything. He knows that the world will never see him as God sees him and he has stopped caring.

What Is “Relapse Prevention Therapy”?

What Is “Relapse Prevention Therapy”?

relapse preventionRelapse does not ‘just happen’

There are long chains of beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, urges, actions, and social reactions that lead to using alcohol or other drugs after making a serious commitment not to.

Recovering people have the choice – do I use alcohol or other drugs or do I stay abstinent. Many recovering people, however; either are not aware that they have the choice, or else they do not know what they need to do in order to make the choice. As a result, they feel trapped because they can only see the immediate situation that is trapping them. At the moment when they decide to use alcohol or other drugs, they are in a high-risk situation that, in their minds, gives them ‘no choice’ but to use. (T. Gorski, Lecture: The Recovery & Relapse History).

Relapse Prevention Therapy is a psychotherapy process that teaches clients how to identify and manage the core personality and lifestyle problems that cause them to keep putting themselves in high-risk situations. Relapse Prevention Therapy works with identifying and managing core personality and lifestyle problems that can make people so uncomfortable in recovery that using alcohol or other drugs seems like a good idea.

What is the Difference Between Relapse Prevention Therapy and Relapse Prevention Counseling?

The primary focus of Relapse Prevention Counseling is to teach the client how to do something different. The thoughts and feelings that get in the way of doing something different to manage these situations without relapsing are identified and changed. But, unlike Relapse Prevention Therapy, there is no attempt to identify or resolve underlying core issues.

For more information, please call (251)626-5797.


To say that God forgives us for our misdeeds is not a statement about God, about God’s emotional generosity. It is more of a statement about us. To feel forgiven is to feel free to step into the future unburdened by the mistakes of our past, encouraged by the knowledge that we can grow and change and need not repeat the same mistakes again. Forgiving others and ourselves is taking a bold step into power.

Personal Wealth

An author once wrote that voluntary simplicity is choosing to live more frugally on the material side of life so we can live more abundantly on the spiritual side of life. To have what we want is riches, but to be able to do without is power. In this sense, a person’s wealth is measured by the amount of things they can afford to do without.

If Only

There are no more useless words in the English language than the words “If Only.” They consume all the energy we could spend on making our lives better today. “If Only, “I could have”, or “I should have” never change “What is.” Focusing on the future too heavily is also deadly, because it is an invitation to excessive worry. Excessive worry contaminates the present moment more than almost any other activity, primarily because it precludes any possibility of developing our faith in the sense of trusting God more and acknowledging He is in control, and thankfully, not us.